“Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball” : DIY Squashy Pumpkin Craft
I’ve been following author/illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson on Instagram for awhile now, and I was extremely excited to hear that her book, Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball, was coming out in the UK.
Craft for Kids: Finger Painting
When my son was only about a year old, we went to a birthday party where my friend had organized a craft for the kids. She’d provided small (8×10) canvases and Crayola washable paint, and had lined her entire living room floor with butcher paper. Her hope was that the kids would use their hands to make paintings and there would be minimal mess afterward.
A to Z Challenge: W is for Watercolor : Re-Learning and Perfecting a New Medium (Part Two)
Re-Learning and Perfecting a New Medium (Part Two)
In case you forgot, here is the the photo from Part 1 of this Watercolor series, my epic fail to success #1 illustration. Let’s first make a list of where I went wrong:
What I am Working On : Ink & Stitches Logo
I have been toying around with the idea of creating an Ink & Stitches logo for awhile now. In addition to my blog, I am starting an Etsy store called: InkAndStitchesArt. This shop (which is on vacation status at the moment until the listings are ready to go) will include: amigurumi patterns, occasional finished amigurumi, prints of some of my illustrations, stamps, and stickers as well. I am also readying an Ink & Stitches YouTube Channel, that will teach viewers how to crochet, but more specifically, how to crochet amigurumi.