“Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball” : DIY Squashy Pumpkin Craft
I’ve been following author/illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson on Instagram for awhile now, and I was extremely excited to hear that her book, Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball, was coming out in the UK.
Harry Potter-Themed Baby Shower! Part Two
What would a Harry Potter-themed Baby Shower be without decorations?
After I had finished all of the prizes for the “Adopt A Magical Creature” table (See Part One for what Harry Potter creatures I made and where to get the DIY patterns/instructions), it was time to get to work on my portion of the decorations!
Craft for Kids: Finger Painting
When my son was only about a year old, we went to a birthday party where my friend had organized a craft for the kids. She’d provided small (8×10) canvases and Crayola washable paint, and had lined her entire living room floor with butcher paper. Her hope was that the kids would use their hands to make paintings and there would be minimal mess afterward.
Dragon Craft Project : Fun with Kids
When this book, Fun Things to Do with Paper Cups and Plates by Kara L. Laughlin, came through the library where I work, I had to take a minute to thumb through the pages. The cover was too cute to let it slip through my fingers without a glance!
A to Z Challenge: S is for Sock Puppet
Since I began working at the library over six years ago, I have been involved in several side projects along the way. I’ve made posters for Bike to Work Day and Earth Day events; created a shadowbox fish tank with illustrations that fit over a book cart (a future post to come on this project) for Staff Development Day; and my most recent venture which had me creating a video for another Staff Day where I created sock puppets to be the actors for the story.
A to Z Challenge: P is for Popsicle Stick Picture Frame Craft
I was asked by the library where I work, to come up with some craft projects for kids. These were to be done at a “Crafts” booth for a local event the city was putting on.
I came up with two different crafts for the kids to choose from. One of the two was a Popsicle stick picture frame whose construction pattern came from DIY Family: The Wonderful World of Crafts. I have included my pictures below on the assembly as well:
You could choose to use the natural wood sticks if you want a more earthy look to your frame, or you could go wild and pick out the colorful sticks that come in all the colors of the rainbow. Since kids love color, I went with the colorful ones for the event.
The construction of the frame was ingenious and because of how the stand and frame are built, the frame can be used for a picture that is either portrait or landscape. If you have a picture in mind before you begin, you will better know how to decorate your frame (and where to put that little 1/4 stick, which is what holds the picture in place). Directions for the stand aren’t included here. You can find them, as well as detailed instructions for the frame, by following the link at the beginning of this post.
Decorating is where the fun begins!
I made several examples to show the kids. I had a caterpillar with some leaves, a cat one for cat-enthusiasts, and a monster one because, why not?
You can use whatever supplies you have to decorate: glitter, glitter pens, sequins, beads, felt, puff balls, pip cleaners, googly eyes, construction paper to draw on, etc.
You will need scissors and craft glue as well (hot glue can be used – see also,
rock sculpture hot glue craft