Why Blog? The Importance of Social Media
This post was originally seen on J.A. Allen’s blog, Scribbles on Cocktail Napkins. I was given the opportunity to guest post, once again (see my post Finding Time to Write which also first appeared on her blog), for winning one of her Sunday Scribbles Challenges. These little bits of flash fiction are always a lot of fun to write, and I highly recommend taking a look and posting an entry yourself! Now, let’s get back to business…
A to Z Challenge: Z is for Zzzz’s and Catching Some When You’re a Writer
Ideas running through your head at all hours of the day. Frantically searching for a pen and paper to write them down for fear they’ll be forgotten. Worrying you aren’t making enough progress on achieving your goals. Getting up an hour early just so you have that extra time to work on more stuff: social media, blog, book, and the list goes on.