Books. Books. Books.,  Illustration,  Picture Books,  Writing


See my name three from the bottom… next to Eliza Wheeler. Yep! That’s me. I won, #PBCritiqueFest! I had no idea until my critique group started showering my phone with texts announcing their congratulations. It took me a moment to realize what it was they were congratulating me for.

So, what does it mean that I won #PBCritiqueFest? I explained in the last post about what this Twitter contest is all about, along with a lot of the other wonderful contest opportunities out there for children’s book writers on Twitter.

In a nutshell? It means that the fabulous author/illustrator, Eliza Wheeler, is going to be looking at my picture book, The Bookworm and the Butterfly, and giving me her feedback on how I can get it ready for querying agents. She is already a successful author/illustrator, so her feedback will be invaluable.

Eliza Wheeler came on my radar after purchasing some of the whimsical illustrations she provided in books like, Wherever You Go. When I found out she would be at SCBWI LA last year, I knew I would be going to her breakout session for writers and illustrators. She did not disappoint. What an amazing creative woman.

Eliza Wheeler and I at SCBWI LA 2018.

I had her sign my books, and chatted briefly with her after the breakout session. She is truly one of my inspirations in this crazy, literary world, I’ve gotten myself into.

Now, I will get to work with her on one of my stories, and I hope, together, we will see The Bookworm and the Butterfly transform into its very best self. Then, I will get it back out there in the hands of agents, in the hopes that one day, you will be able to read this story to the little ones in your lives. Wish me luck!

<3 Julianne

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